14th European Dependable Computing Conference
10-14 September 2018
Iasi, Romania


Student Forum

The EDCC 2018 Student Forum is a vibrant and friendly environment where students can present and discuss their work, and exchange ideas and experiences with other students, researchers and industry. We invite students to submit papers describing their potential and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results.


We seek papers presenting early technical work, in-progress research and introduction of novel ideas to the community. Please refer to the EDCC 2018 Call for Papers for a detailed list of topics.

The first author of the paper must be a student.

Submitted papers should conform to the following template with a maximum of 4 pages.

If accepted, authors can chose to also submit a companion poster summarizing the key ideas, to be included in the poster session.

Papers should be submitted via e-mail to edcc2018studentforum@gmail.com .

Student Forum papers will be reviewed by the members of the Student Forum Program Committee. The selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the technical content of EDCC 2018
  • Originality
  • Technical soundness
  • Quality and clarity of the written presentation

Students with accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present the paper. If students chose to also submit a companion poster, they are expected to participate in the poster session.

For accepted papers, students can choose to have it published on arxiv.org, a free open-access publication service.

The organization committee will provide participation certificates for students upon request.

Important Dates

  • Submission: June 6th, 2018 June 27th, 2018
  • Author notification: July 4th, 2018
  • Camera ready and poster: July 11th, 2018

Program committee

  • Miguel Matos, INESC-ID & IST U. Lisboa, Portugal (chair)
  • Antonio Casimiro - Faculdade de Ciencias, U. Lisboa, Portugal
  • Domenico Cotroneo - University of Naples, Italy
  • Rogerio de Lemos - University of Kent, United Kingdom
  • Felicita Di Giandomenico - ISTI CNR, Italy
  • Susanna Donatelli - University of Turin, Italy
  • Hans-Peter Schwefel , Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Marco Vieira - University of Coimbra, Portugal