14th European Dependable Computing Conference
10-14 September 2018
Iasi, Romania


Call for Papers

The European Dependable Computing Conference is a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their latest research results on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems.

In addition to original papers on research, EDCC welcomes papers dedicated to dependability in practice: industrial applications, experience in introducing dependability in industry, use of new or mature dependability approaches to new challenging problems or domains, etc. It will also provide a natural meeting place for the large number of projects in dependability, to present their state of advancement and innovative results.

EDCC 2018 will feature several tracks, including invited speakers, full paper presentations, posters, a student forum and a set of cutting-edge workshops.

Authors of regular papers and experience reports accepted and presented at EDCC will be encouraged to submit an extended and modified version of their papers to a Special issue of the International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, dedicated to System Dependability, with a short cycle, to appear early 2019.


The conference will cover a broad range of topics involving dependability and security, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Dependability and security in
    • Safety critical systems and applications;
    • Embedded and real-time systems;
    • Cyber-physical systems;
    • Systems of systems and internet of things;
    • Mobile and multimedia systems;
    • Autonomic and self-adaptive systems;
    • Socio-technical systems;
    • Business and e-commerce applications;
  • Fault-tolerant networks, protocols and systems;
  • Hardware and software architecture of dependable systems;
  • Intrusion-tolerant systems;
  • Critical infrastructure protection;
  • Interplay between safety and security;
  • Dependability benchmarking;
  • Testing and validation methods;
  • Dependability modelling and tools;
  • Model-driven engineering approaches;
  • Dependable and secure support for data analytics;
  • Dependable virtualization;
  • Cloud computing;
  • VLSI dependability;
  • Bigdata and fault tolerance in databases and transactional systems;

Important Dates

Abstract Submission:March 23rd, 2018 March 30th, 2018 (extended)
Full Paper Submission:March 30th, 2018 April 13th, 2018 (extended)
Author Notification:June 1st, 2018
Camera Ready:July 6th, 2018

Paper Categories

The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS), and will be available at ieeeXplore.

The conference is inviting submissions to its different tracks in the following categories:

  1. Regular papers (up to 8 pages) solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.
  2. Practical experience reports (up to 6 pages) dedicated to dependability in practice: industrial applications, experience in introducing dependability in industry, use of new or mature dependability approaches to new challenging problems or domains, etc.
  3. Short papers (3-4 pages) describing preliminary research work (position papers) or a prototype/tool description, outlining the design or implementation of a software tool, or the prototyping of an operational system.

All submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair submission web page (EDCC2018), and should clearly indicate in which category the paper is being submitted. Detailed indications about the paper format are provided in the paper submission page.

Best Paper Award

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness and impact. Three distinguished papers will be selected among accepted papers and presented in a dedicated session of the conference program. Full research papers and practical experience reports are eligible for the distinction.