16th in the series of EUROLAN Schools
10 - 17 September 2023 | Bălți
(Republic of Moldova) & hybrid

16th in the series of EUROLAN Schools
10 - 17 September 2023 | Bălți
(Republic of Moldova) & hybrid

16th in the series of EUROLAN Schools
10 - 17 September 2023 | Bălți
(Republic of Moldova) & hybrid

EUROLAN - 2023
EUROLAN-2023 will focus on recent research in natural language generation, machine learning applied to language, artificial intelligence (AI) and reasoning systems, computational linguistics and implications of AI in society, education and science, in order to familiarise participants with the theory and practise underlying Generative Artificial Intelligence Models (GAIM).
In the tradition of previous EUROLAN schools, each day will consist of tutorials/lectures in the morning, followed by hands-on exercises in the afternoon. This organisation enables participants to immediately apply the concepts covered in the lectures to practical problems as well as to create “toy” applications that could serve as a basis for future work. In addition, brainstorming sessions and round tables will allow students to interact with professors and gain additional experience.
The School is open to students at the bachelor, masters, and PhD levels, but exceptional undergraduates interested in learning about GAIM are also welcome.

Tutorials and practical sessions will deal with the following principal topics:
- Types of Artificial Intelligence Models;
- Evolution and Present-Day GAIM;
- Core Algorithms: Neural Networks, (Large) Language Models, Generative Adversarial Networks;
- Resources for AI;
- Evaluation of GAIM;
- Applications of Generative AI: GAIM for Images, GAIM for Videos, GAIM for Texts;
- Benefits to Science, Medicine, Media, Humanities etc.;
- Implications and Concerns: Social, Educational, Professional.
The School schedule, including tutorial titles, exercises to be performed in the practical sessions, and the list of lecturers will be published on the School web pages in the near future.
Brainstorming sessions will allow students to delve more deeply into the course material, addressing questions such as:
- Can computers learn common sense?
- Is the so-called “AI bottleneck” hampering the acquisition of pragmatic and conceptual knowledge by computers obsolete?
- Can the current limitations of GAIM be overcome?
- How could humanity guarantee safe usage of future AI?
- How should AI be reflected in legislation?