We invite you to participate in an exciting week of lectures and practical work, which will make you
discover the fascinating worlds of computational linguistics and natural language processing, two
closely related fields of science in which computer scientists and linguists combine their skills and
creativity to copy on the computer the linguistic abilities of human beings.
The School will be the 14th in a series initiated in 1993 and run since then every two years. The
didactic paradigm of this year edition will be “learning by doing”, as IT and humanity students will be
put together in mixed teams to solve a challenging problem.
Guided by our mentors, participants will decipher models and techniques for text annotation and
processing, will develop a collection of annotated texts and will learn how to train the machine to
develop abilities to recognise topics and opinions in texts.
To whom is the school addressed?
To whom is the school addressed?
To whom is the school addressed?
The School is dedicated mainly to university students at the bachelor, master and PhD levels, but gifted
college students, interested In learning and trying their passionate minds and hands at the practice of
developing annotated corpora and training AI systems, are also welcome.
To encourage the participation of all categories of students, from college to PhD, the School will be
free of charge. Our tutors have generously offered their help without being rewarded and we will
try to cover any spendings from (presumable many...) sponsorships (which will be announced at later
dates). However, this policy will perhaps trigger no coffee-and-tea flavoured breaks, but we strongly
encourage participants to bring their homemade biscuits and snacks during the school to offer to their
teammates (and others…).
Ziua |
Data și ora |
Tipul activității |
Titlu |
Durata |
Profesori și îndrumători |
1 |
6 mai, 16:00 |
Curs |
Prezentare generală a domeniului Lingvisticii Computaționale (LC), masteratul LC
de la Fac. de Informatică, despre corpusuri și notații XML, structura activităților
Școlii EUROLAN-2019 |
30 min |
Dan Cristea |
1 |
6 mai, 16:40 |
Curs |
Noțiuni elementare de sintaxă FDG, prezentarea corpusului (treebank), prezentarea
adnotatorului TreeBank Annotator, organizarea grupelor |
90 min |
Cătălina Mărănduc, Diana Trandabăț |
1 |
6 mai, 18:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Adnotare, lucru în grupe |
120 min |
Augusto Perez, Cătălina Mărănduc, Florinel Hociung |
2 |
7 mai, 16:00 |
Curs |
Acord inter-adnotatori, evaluare |
60 min |
Diana Trandabăț, Dan Cristea |
2 |
7 mai, 17:00 |
Curs |
Alte tipuri de resurse textuale (wordnet, dicționare etc.) |
60 min |
Gabriela Haja, Dan Cristea |
2 |
7 mai, 18:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Verificări la acord inter-adnotatori |
60 min |
Șerban Boghiu, Diana Trandabăț |
2 |
7 mai, 19:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Obținerea acordului, corectări, finalizarea corpusului adnotat manual |
60 min |
Șerban Boghiu, Gabriela Haja, Cătălina Mărănduc |
3 |
8 mai, 16:00 |
Curs |
Prezentarea parser-ului NLP-CUBE |
90 min |
Tiberiu Boroș, Petru Rebeja, Cristian Pădurariu |
3 |
8 mai, 17:30 |
Curs |
Instalare NLP-CUBE |
30 min |
Tiberiu Boroș, Petru Rebeja, Cristian Pădurariu |
3 |
8 May, 18:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Lucrul cu un utilitar de conversie de formate |
30 min |
Tiberiu Boroș, Petru Rebeja, Cristian Pădurariu |
3 |
8 mai, 18:30 |
Sesiune practică |
Utilizarea și începerea antrenării parserului |
90 min |
Tiberiu Boroș, Petru Rebeja, Cristian Pădurariu |
4 |
9 mai, 16:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Lucru în grupe, antrenarea și optimizarea parserului |
4 ore |
Tiberiu Boroș, Petru Rebeja, Cristian Pădurariu |
5 |
10 mai, 16:00 |
Curs |
Aplicații în care este valorificată structura sintactică (obținută automat) |
60 min |
Adrian Iftene |
5 |
10 May, 17:00 |
Curs |
Lucru în grupe: Stabilirea unei prezentari |
60 min |
Toți |
5 |
10 mai, 18:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Sesiune de prezentări ale participantilor |
60 min |
Toți |
5 |
10 mai, 19:00 |
Sesiune practică |
Stabilirea câștigătorilor și premierea lor |
60 min |
Toți |
How to register and make teams?
How to register and make teams?
How to register and make teams?
Registration period is over!
In the first day of the School, May 6, the mixed teams will be formed, each grouping 4-5 people. Your
preferences for teammates will be taken into consideration, but bear in mind that we want to have both
IT and humanity students in all teams. As such, first, teams grouping 2-3 persons of similar backgrounds
will be formed, which will be, afterwards, combined in mixed teams.
Participants coming from other places than Iași are eligible for accommodation in the University’s
hostels, based on a request made on the online registration application. The accommodation costs per
night are as follows: 175 RON per night - a double room, 132 RON per night - a single, breakfast
included in both cases.
Important dates
Important dates
Important dates
Date |
Event |
1 April, 8:00 AM |
Online registration opens. |
22 April, 8:00 AM |
Registration closes. |
23 - 24 April |
Confirmed participants will receive introductory texts and guidelines; it could be that some
of these materials be specially adapted to your specific knowledge level. |
24 April - 6 May |
Individual/guided study of the accepted participants; the recommended readings should be
consulted in order to form a basic level of knowledge before the School actually begins.
6 (Monday) to 10 (Friday) May |
The School period. |
11 May (Saturday) |
This day could also be considered, to finish some activities. |
Scientifc Committee
- Rodica Albu - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Dana Bădulescu - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Anca Bibiri - UAIC, Department of Interdisciplinary Research
- Tiberiu Boroș - Adobe
- Luminița Cărăușu - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Dan Cristea - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science and ARFI, Institute of Computer Science
- Rodica Dimitriu - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Corina Forăscu - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Lucian Gâdioi - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Daniela Gîfu - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science & ARFI, Institute of Computer Science
- Gabriela Haja - ARFI, Institute of Romanian Philology “A.Philippide”
- Adrian Iftene - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Ioan Constantin Lihaciu - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Ion Milica - UAIC, Faculty of Letters, Central University Library
- Ana-Maria Minuț - UAIC, Faculty of Letters
- Alex Moruz - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Mihaela Onofrei - ARFI, Institute of Computer Science
- Ionuț Pistol - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Diana Trandabăț - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
Technical and Administrative Support
- Eric Curea - Romanian Academy, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Cristian Pădurariu - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Alina Popescu - UAIC, Faculty of Computer Science
- Laura Belicescu
- Răzvan Borșan
- Petru Rebeja
- ASII - Iași Informatics Student Organisation
Final task
Final task
Final task
Aveți la dispoziție aprox. o oră ca să identificați o aplicație a tehnologiei de generare a sintaxei
exprimărilor în limbaj natural ce v-a fost predată în această Școală de primăvară
Răspundeți la punctele 1-4 de mai jos, care, împreună cu punctul 5, vor fi și notate de evaluatori:
- Identificarea unei necesități care să solicite o soluție din domeniul prelucrărilor sintactice
- Care este publicul țintă
- Descrierea unei aplicații (la nivel funcțional) care să răspundă necesității identificate la pct. 1
- Cât de fezabilă este soluția propusă (argumente)
- Calitatea prezentării (includeți și o scurtă prezentare a echipei)
Aveți apoi la dispoziție maximum 5 minute pentru prezentarea propunerii dumneavoastră.
First Prize Team "The Four"
- Aparaschivei Lavinia
- Butnaru Daniela
- Chirila Tudor
- Mocanu Radu
Second Place "CyberLex"
- Voaides Alexandru
- Grigoras Andreea
- Ciobanu Maria
- Pintea Nicoleta
Third Place "Blue Team"
- Pislac Diana
- Simon Iuliana
- Olteanu Oana Alexandra
- Stolnicu Andrei Bogdan
- Leuciuc Nicolae
Special Prize Kahoot!