Eurolan 2003

Its Potential and Practicalities
July 28 - August 8, Bucharest - Romania

The topic of the EUROLAN 2003 Summer School has covered all aspects of the developing Semantic Web technology and considered its potential and the practicalities of applying it to enhance language processing applications.

EUROLAN 2003 has provided two weeks of intensive study of semantic Web technology and its application to natural language processing. Internationally known scholars and researchers involved in leading-edge work in relevant areas have served as professors at the school, providing half- and full-day seminars and hands-on labs to provide students with in-depth understanding and experience.

The main topics covered in the school include:
What is the Semantic Web? · Potential and limitations of the Semantic Web · Supporting web technologies (XML, RDF) · Ontologies, ontology design and development · Ontology exploitation via inferencing · Description logics and other approaches to inferencing · Lexical semantics and the Semantic Web · Use of the Semantic Web and related technologies in language processing applications.

Editors: Dan Cristea, Nancy Ide, Dan Tufis
Technical realization: Alexandru Ceausu, Laurentiu Ghetu, Iuliana Lemnaru,
Ionut Pistol, Oana Postolache, Georgiana Puscasu, Marius Raschip, Manuel Subredu
Graphical design: Sabin Corneliu Buraga
Eurolan 2003